Nick Brito
“His Strongest Soldiers” is a photo series that explores the fictionalized and discreet intimacy between client and escort in parallel with the kinds of intimacies that operate in widespread pious devotion. Each photograph bridges the gap between secular escorting and sacred religion by exploring the interiorities of intimacy and divine worship. My practice is rooted in my Catholic upbringing, which exposed me to mystical ideas of transcendence and enlightenment. In addition, I draw further inspiration from my current occupation as a full-time male escort. The project is composed of many images, each addressing the vital pillars of religion – mysticism, divinity, and metaphysics. For the viewer, they present themselves as testaments to each pillar, but for me as their creator, each photograph reveals a deep reflection of personal revelations that could only be discovered outside the church.
Nick Brito is a Brazilian-born image-maker and photographer based in New York City, whose work focuses on the intersection between technological advancements, spirituality, and metaphysics.