Sandy Wang
“Find Me An Oasis” is a series of images exploring self-identity and the concept of a “safe space.” My work challenges the traditional notion of self-portraiture and presents an innovative representation of personal identity, bodily experience, and cognition. By interacting with the environment through the medium of the human body, I portray unique and complex identities free from prescribed categories. The images portray the “safe space” as a tender and fragile place that must be embraced with care. This work goes beyond objectifying the body for erotic or gendered purposes and instead delves deep into the process of self-discovery.
Sandy Wang (b.2000) is a New York City-based photographer. Her work primarily centers on experimental photography, combining installation, performance, and fine art. By experimenting with different methods, Wang believes photography provides a gateway for her to interact with the real world without her vision being reduced to the ordinary.